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Category Archives: Nyhet
Update 2021
You want art.
Painting is my job, I sell art.
Contact me through e-mail
it’s easy & I’m always accommodating. I have finished work available for purchase and I accept commissions, and I ship to anywhere in the world.
I speak English / Jag talar svenska / Ich verstehe Deutsch
Uppsala/Stockholm, SWEDEN

Available for purchase – 3000 SEK
Konstrakan 2017
Turns out there’s an old student of mine living close by! Zacheriah Kramer invited me to join him at Konstrakan 2017 – On Saturday, August 26, local artists will be exhibiting their work outdoors along the main road here in our small city of Tranås. Zach and I are going to maybe paint each other’s portraits right there in the midst of everything. Crazy. By now I’m unsure as to where the brushy sticks go and on which side of the canvas I sit – brown or white? I hardly remember this activity “painting”.
Obviously not one of you will be able to come, but what kind of friend would I be if I only invited those I thought could/would make it?
Anyway, it should be fun! Zach’s got this serious and archaic look, in a good way. Pale white Christ. Think of that film with Mads Mikkelsen – Valhalla Rising, that’s Zach. Hope I get to give this a shot and I’ll try to take some photos regardless of where we end up on the success/failure chart.
Info in Swedish:
6ft5 – Göran Arvidson
If you’re in Stockholm and you want to have your work photographed you turn to Göran Arvidson, an all-round professional and a real nice person. I highly recommend him.
Salong! 2012
‘Self Portrait, 2009’ has been accepted to and will be on show at Helsingborgs Konstförenings ‘Salong! 2012‘ at Dunkers Kulturhus in Helsingborg, Sweden, September 14 – November 25, with the grand opening on the 13th of November at 5:00 p.m. to 7:00 p.m.
Stockholm’s Emerging Realist Generation
I’ll be participating with three paintings in the group exhibition Stockholm’s Emerging Realist Generation. Opening September 29, 18:00 – 22:00, Åsögatan 148, Stockholm.
As of yet not sure how many pieces will be on show but the people tell me it’s going to be a rather small exhibit. Small and cozy.
If you want to meet me in person I’ll probably be there for a couple of hours during the opening. Give me a call to make sure. Cheers <3 <3 xoxo
“The realistic and representational art movement in the Stockholm region has grown stronger in recent years. Those involved see it as a timeless and nonironic rediscovering of the craft of painting, the respect of skill and the love of beauty within the arts. This show is a collaboration between the artschool Atelier Stockholm and the artist run gallery Art Concept Store and will give you a significant taste of what Stockholm as a city has to offer of young emerging artists in this regard. This is their first joint public appearance.”
DÄMONER!!! – utställning i Gamla Stan, Stockholm
Jag vill härmed hälsa er välkomna till ”DÄMONER!!!” – En personlig exposition av måleri, inspirerad av diverse förebilder, prestationsångest, och frågor rörande identitet.
Parallellt med ett händelserikt skede i mitt liv har färdigställandet av denna show inneburit en ovärderlig resa. DÄMONER!!! är mörkret jag lämnar efter mig då jag träder ut i ljuset.
Totalt 18 oljemålningar; nya verk blandas med äldre.
Jag kommer vara på plats varje dag från början till slut.
Vernissage lördag 13 november 2010 kl. 12-19
Utställningen pågår t.o.m. 18 november
Öppet: söndag kl 12-17, måndag-torsdag kl. 12-18
Galleri Svea, Gamla Stan
Köpmangatan 4
Stockholm, Sweden
Uppskattar om ni vill sprida detta vidare och bjuda era vänner och bekanta.
Facebookers, hemskt snällt vore om ni går in på ”eventet” DÄMONER!!!, klickar på den grå ”+ Select Guests to Invite”-rutan under bilden av Ingmar Bergman, och därefter bjuder folk ni tror skulle vilja besöka utställningen.
Det råder under utställningens öppettider kör- och parkeringsförbud i hela Gamla Stan.